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About Jerash

Jarash is one of Jordan’s famous ancient sites, a Roman city dating back to c.170BC (After Petra)

The name Jarash means “to grind” which probably relates to the agricultural life led by its inhabitants. Jarash was once called “Antiyochya on the Chrizoroas” which means Antiyochya on the River of Gold. There are different theories as to when the Roman city of Jarash was built on top of Neolithic ruins.Jarash is the second most important site in Jordan after Petra and is the most beautifly kept roman city in the Middle East. A tour inJarash is an aesthetic experience for lovers of Roman culture and architecture. The tour includes: The visit to the classical Roman city begins with a striking entrance through the magnificent gate built by Adrianus (Hadrian).

Continue into the great Hippodrome which is 76 X 261 meters square and was used for the legendary horse races in the ancient times. Walk to the oval plaza with more than 50 impressive pillars which create a magnifying optical illusion. Through the temple of Zeus into the almost undamaged southern theater that at its height held 5000 people. Climb to the old synagogue situated on the highest point of the city to hear about the sons on Noah mosaic. Visit the most important temple in Jarash of the temple of Artemis. This Temple was dedicated to the gods of the moon and the hunter and get a full view of Jarash. Down to a church, through the cardo and the classical Nymphaeum that stands nearly intact.

jerash tour The main Gate
trip to petra Artemis Tample

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