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Via Dolorosa Jerusalem Tour

  • Length: 3-4 Hours
  • Area: Old city of JLM

The “Via Dolorosa,” Latin for “Way of Grief” or “Way of Suffering,” marks the route that Christ took bearing the cross from his trial to the crucifixion.

The road itself is a lively main street in the Old City of Jerusalem dating back to the Roman city Aelia Capitolina. Like the rest of the Old City, every generation left its mark on the Via Dolorosa, so as we walk this special street we weave in and out of Christ’s story, at once “walking through history” and encountering the Via’s bustling everyday life. It is an emblematic experience of Jerusalem.

Via Dolorosa Jerusalem Tour The Holy Sepulchre
Via dolorosa tourChristian tour in JLM

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